
Learn to give better training and facilitate groups during a train-the-trainer weekend. Here, you will learn the basics of training and facilitating people who are active in social movements. Afterward, you'll be able to lead workshops that strengthen your movement, helping your group bring about the change you stand for! If you want, we can guide you after the training to implement your lessons in practice.

The training is relevant for both beginner trainers and more experienced trainers who want to learn more about training in the context of social movements. We provide training based on the belief that the experiences people bring with them are an important building block for deeper learning. We place the needs, knowledge, experiences, and dynamics within the group at the center, inviting participants to transform these into lessons they can apply outside the training. Through active methods that encourage various learning styles, participants gain new insights and questions they will remember for a long time. This leads to action and change. We call it direct education.

The training is also useful for people who often lead meetings and workshops. Many of the training skills you learn can also be effectively applied as a chairperson or facilitator. However, our main focus is on guiding learning processes, rather than facilitating decision-making.

If you want to learn how to give (better) training and workshops within social movements, you can choose from the following offerings:

• Annual weekend training for trainers in social movements
• Multi-day 'train the trainer' tailored for an organization or movement
• Coaching for trainers in social movements
• Training placement for trainers at Stroomversnellers (limited spots available each year)