Action Skills

Base Group

Before an action, it's wise to form a base group, for when violence is used, panic arises, or you feel like you're losing control.

Guide 'Base Groups'

Forest Occupation

Do you want to prevent a forest or a group of trees from being cut down, and have you tried all other means (such as lobbying, legal proceedings, collecting signatures)? Then climb a tree.

Guide 'Forest Occupation'

Crowd control

Crowd control is a team that belongs to the organization with the special task of ensuring that a demonstration or manifestation proceeds as the organization wants it to.

Guide 'Crowd Control'

Arrestee Group

The role of the Arrestee Group (AG) may vary per demonstration but generally provides practical support for actions for people who are arrested.

Guide 'Arrestee Group'

Quick Decision Making

In some situations, such as during a civil disobedience action, you lack the time and space to have an extensive meeting about every decision. You then need a different model that enables you to make quick decisions.

Guide 'Quick Decision Making'

Notifying the Municipality of a Demonstration

In this guide, we provide you with explanations, tips, and points of attention for how to approach the notification of your demonstration. At the bottom, you will find a completed document that can serve as an example with some additional tips.

Guide 'Notifying the Municipality of a Demonstration'

An Effective Petition for a Winning Campaign

In this guide, we describe in 11 steps what you can do to use an effective petition for a winning campaign.

Guide 'Effective Petition'

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