Action skills

To bring change closer, you need to think carefully about the actions you take. We are happy to help you choose a tactic that aligns with where your movement is currently at, so that this action can help you move forward by growing in influence within society, internal organizational strength, and vision for change. This way, you avoid actions that are just a means to publicly express your sense of dissatisfaction. You also prevent organizing a similar demonstration or petition again, when a different form of action could attract more attention.

We are happy to help you find creative tactics (forms of action) that align with your strategy (plan to win) through:

  • Strategic advice on which form of action suits you (tone and message)
  • Training in coming up with creative and effective tactics
  • Workshop on tactics to design your action so that it becomes as effective as possible

How to practically exercise your right to demonstrate is something you need to learn. The execution can be complex, and we are here to help guide you. This way, the organizers and participants can take part in the action as well-prepared and safely as possible. To ensure that you and your group can express yourselves in the public space, we offer:

  • Training in atmosphere management
  • Action training for beginner participants
  • Action training for experienced participants
  • Training in action coordination